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Bakerville Immigration

Making your Canadian dreams come true

About Bakerville Immigration

Bakerville Immigration is a team of Canadian immigration consultants. We provide personalized consultation and application preparation services for immigrating to Canada. Upon successful arrival, we also offer transition and settling services for individuals and families.

Our lead consultant, Ugochi Agbo, is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) in good standing with the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC). Arriving in Canada as an international student and becoming a Canadian citizen, she has gained significant first-hand experience of the Canadian immigration system.

Ugochi has processed admissions, student visas, work permits and permanent resident applications with a 100% success rate. Moving to Canada at the age of 17, she understands the complexity that comes with moving across the world. Her desire is to use her expertise and knowledge to make this complex process seamless for individuals and families.

Why Choose Canada

Canada is located in northern part of North America. It is the world’s second-largest country by total area. With ten provinces and three territories, Canada is sparsely populated, and continually welcomes immigrants from other countries, making it an ethnically diverse and multicultural country.

Due to Canada’s economic stability, influence, power and quality of life, Canada is ranked as the second best country in the world, according to the U.S. News and Reports in 2018. Immigrants see Canada as a land of many opportunities.


Permanent Immigration

Our team provides services on Express Entry, Family Sponsorships and Provincial nomination applications.

Temporary Immigration

Looking to visit or study in Canada? Our team of professionals are available to guide you through the process.

Other Services

Moving across the world can be a challenging process. We offer professional application review, settlement and rejection management services to our clients.

Blog Posts

Secret to a successful visitor’s visa application

If you are planning to come to Canada for vacation or to visit a family member, you will require a visitor’s visa to enter Canada unless......

Frequently asked questions about studying in Canada.

More often than not, we get similar questions from clients wanting to study in Canada. We hope this list provides answers to some of the questions that you may have.
